Friday, October 2, 2009

Super Storm "Pepeng"

There is a new storm will be hitting Island of Philippines named "Pepeng". The weather man said that it will be a Super Typhoon than latest storm "Ondoy". Pepeng will give gusts and winds of 120 and 150 kph. People were getting ready for stock their food and some are staying in safe place like evacuation center or higher place.
I would like share a prayer that I got from my cell phone. Hopefully everyone will do it for the sake of many.

Let Us Pray Together:

Dear Lord, we fervently pray for your intercession so that out nation will be spared from another threatening typhoon. Our suffering people have not recovered from storm Ondoy’s wrath. Please prevent Pepeng from hitting any of islands. Save us from further calamities by embracing our country with your protective grace and merciful blessings.

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