Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Women Saints part 12

Our Lady of Guadalupe
On December 9,1531 the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego, an Indian who had become a Christian. The Blessed Virgin Mary impressed a picture of herself upon his cloak. The splendid picture on the cloak was placed in a shrine for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Mother Mary wanted her miraculous image to help the native people turn away from their pagan religion and embrace Her Son, Jesus. Many people came to Guadalupe, near Mexico City, to pray at the famous shrine. When they saw the picture of the Blessed Virgin, people from all of Mexico were inspired to love her and do good works in her name. Many miracles were said to happen there.
The people of Mexico, and all the bishops as well, thought of her as a powerful protectress in times of need. So they elected her the principal Patroness of Mexico. Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe has grown so much that she is now known as the Patroness of the Americas.

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