Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Deadliest flu....

The world is facing another crisis, the deadliest flu H1N1 or also known as “Swine flu” started on Mexico. A 4 year old boy has been exposed to a pig with swine flu last week and he is now recovering well. The Mexican government has no idea that “Swine flu” is in their country until they autopsy the boy who had been exposed and many more getting sick and hospitalized. Today, 152 dead toll and almost 2,000 have been hospitalized in Mexico itself. For less than two weeks, the H1N1 flu or diseases are all over the world like United States, Canada, France, Spain and New England. People everywhere have been alarm to be vigilant or to be alert for what we’ve facing today. People were more careful or cautious in their surroundings. Many flights had been cancelled due to the crisis and for trying to prevent to travel in Mexico for spreading more diseases. Many International Airports have been alerted and watchful specially if travelling from Mexico. They also banned exporting pigs from affecting countries like Mexico, United States, and Canada but people don't die by eating pork, though?

A “Swine flu” is a combination of human, bird and pig’s flu. The symptoms are hay fever, cough, cold and diarrhea. To prevent it, you always wash your hands, cover your mouth when you are sneezing and when you have the symptoms, don’t hesitate or wait until you feel worst to go to the hospitals. There are cure and medicine for it.

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